參 考 文 獻


1. Karin Horgan,Making the effect (Vegetarianism), Vegetarian Times , May 93,P.4
美國營養學會(American College of Nutrition)
美國糖尿病協會(American Diagetes Association, Inc.)
美國營養師協會(The American Dietetic Association)
美國健康基金會(American Health Foundation)
美國心臟協會(American Heart Association)
美國心肺血液研究機構(National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute )
全國(美國)癌癥機構(National Cancer Institute )
3. ADA Reports, Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian diets, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Nov.93,Vol.93(11),p.1317-1319.
4. Keith Akers, A vegetarian sourcebook, Vegetarian Press, 1993.
5. Neal D. Barnard, The Edge against cancer, Vegetarian Times, Oct. 91,P.18(3).
6. Carol Wiley, Vegetarians live longer, Vegetarian Times, Oct. 91, P25(1).
7. Dan Bade & Carol Wiley, Long live vegetarian docs, Vegetarian Times, March 92,P27(1).
8.Curtis Morgan Knight-Ridder, Former ice-cream heir backs a new world food order, Tribune News Service,Sept.24, 93